Meet Di

"What I have most enjoyed about making my own Kombucha is that I am creating something that is good for me, that I can see results from and know the origin of every ingredient.

There’s something special about any brewing process and I love that I have a little live SCOBY (well 2 now) to look after and they look after me in return" 💛

Started making Kombucha with us in December 2022, and is currently brewing her Kombucha with 2 SCOBYs; Scooby & Scrappy

"Were you struggling with a particular health condition when you decided to make Kombucha?"

I had been struggling with IBS and stomach issues for years and wanted to add something healthy to my diet.

"Has the Kombucha helped with those symptoms, or anything unexpected?"

Yes, kombucha has helped IBS and stomach issues considerably. I was on prescribed IBS relief tablets and suffered from continuous bloating.

I no longer require prescription and have only had to take 2-4 tablets in the last 20 months.

Bloating is significantly less and I really notice when I am not regularly drinking my kombucha (if accidentally lapsed in brewing). 

An unexpected side effect was that I seemed to drop about 1/2 a dress size, I think due to bloating and what was probably water retention.

"How did you find the initial set up? Did you know what to do once the ingredients included in the starter kit had finished?"

Quite easy on the initial set up. Hebe had taken the time to explain it to me and I bought the whole set up together from her.

It was literally just making sure everything was clean, adding my SCOBY and brewing a great big cup of tea.7.

Yes it was clear what to do next and had a leaflet to refer to. No, I haven’t gone on to use my over tea as found BooChaCha’s monthly delivery of brew bag is convenient for me and acts as a good reminder to get brewing again.

I have bought another brewing container as like to have 2 on the go to ensure I don’t run out, but still use BooChCha’s brew bags.

"How has your experience with BooChaCha been?"

"Informative, knowledgeable, supportive, high quality and convenient.

I have had amazing support, over and above what I would have expected, exactly when I needed it.

I had fantastic support through some teething problems a couple of brews in with my SCOBY and I could not have asked for more.

It kept me on my brewing journey 🤗".