Making Kombucha at home is easy, cheap & fun

Kombucha is perfect for busy, health conscious, useless-in-the-kitchen people, & even those who like holidays!

You can turn any tea into an unlimited supply of authentic Kombucha, with very minimal effort! ... yes, just normal tea!

After 7 - 10 days of brewing, you simply bottle it up, and add any natural flavours you fancy

Our customers rave that their homemade Kombucha is "the most delicious Kombucha I have ever tried", & it brings many health benefits, not previously found with shop-bought Kombucha.

Photo of a complete kombucha starter kit from boochacha, with branding visible and bright, being set-up by a beginner, looking fun and vibrant - boochacha

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is an ancient health tonic, said to originate in China back in 220 B.C.

Kombucha was known as 'The Elixir of Life' and the 'Tea of Immortality' and it has been gaining popularity as we begin to understand the benefits it could bring into our modern lives.

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Photo of a delicious, fresh, raw and totally natural glass of kombucha being poured into a fancy glass, against an aesthetic background with nice shadows being cast - boochacha

Health benefits of Kombucha

Kombucha is a fermented health tonic known for possible body-detoxing, anti-fungal & energy-boosting properties.

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Our proud founder, Hebe Ibbotson presenting a small demonstration kombucha scoby to workshop students during class, lots of big smiles and interested hands reaching out totouch the scoby - boochacha

Our Story

Our story begins with Hebe, the heart and soul behind BooChaCha.

After having her first taste of a homemade Kombucha in the rural mountains of Japan, she felt some relief from the 15 years of constant, gut related health issues.

She was taught how to make it by a Japanese friend, and she wondered, how such a simple drink could have made such a huge difference!

Selected by Gordon Ramsay for his BBC One hit, "Future Food Stars", Hebe's journey is as inspiring as it is innovative.

"We're on a mission to bring a 2000 year old ancient, fermented health tonic, into modern lives, in an inspiring, deliciously authentic & nourishing way".

Delicious bottle of fresh kombucha with boochacha branding visible and fancy looking packaging, surrounded by glasses of kombucha poured over ice and a selection of fruits - boochacha
  • Photo of boochacha complete kombucha starter kit in action, with scoby floating around, and bundles of tea in background, with branding and bright colours - boochacha
  • Photo of a delicious, fresh, raw and totally natural glass of kombucha being poured into a fancy glass, against an aesthetic background with nice shadows being cast - boochacha